But this quickly evolved into a command line interface I code named BAYMAX (after the character in the Bighero6 movie.) So. This project started out as a sort of computer furby/ tamagotchi pet. In this instructable I'll share what I learned about Python3 while developing my first Python project.

I was hooked and within a week I'd moved from 'Hello World' to in the throws of developing my own command line interface and now trying to master file creation and manipulation. Being low on syntax and having a wealth of info available I was able to feel productive at entry level and see instant possibilities. Luckily in hearing my quandary someone introduced me to Python as an 'entry level' coding drug. Sure I can muddle through all the tutorials and get my computer screen to print 'Hello World' but its just not fun or that is to say its not practically usable knowledge that I care to retain. If I can't find a useful and/or practical outlet for this 'virtual' knowledge it just does not take. Part of my struggle that I mention in my Arduino shield programming 'able is that at my core I am a mechanic, a hardware guy. This has been fun but has not fully scratched my coding itch, that being to learn to be proficient at C++ and C#. I've dabbled in this and that picking up some Java script here, HTML there, snips of VBA and working knowledge of all manor of industrial logic controls. For several years (ok maybe a decade) I've had this on-off relationship with learning to code.